Foundation Bulletin

The New Zealand Equine Research Foundation's official publication is the Foundation Bulletin.

This biannual publication features reports on research projects conducted by New Zealand-based researchers, updates on scholarships and reports from awardees, information about videos, Lecture Series planned (if any), and other horse-related events and activities.

Bomac Laboratories sponsored the Bulletin until the Spring 2011 edition, and Bayer New Zealand continued sponsorship until the Autumn 2016 edition. Since then, the Rodmor Charitable Trust has generously taken over as sponsor.

Latest Bulletins

  • Winter 2024

    This volume of The Foundation Bulletin turns to look at the horse’s racing counterpart; jockeys. Professor Chris Rogers takes a deep dive into understanding the fitness of jockeys and how we measure race riding fitness. Also covered is an update on the Tetanus vaccination guidelines, we introduce our new Secretary, Hillary Milne, and the latest recipients of several scholarships are introduced. Finally, there are several articles including a case study from Siobhan Waters on the repair of a recto-vaginal fistula in a maiden thoroughbred broodmare, a report from Dr Lee Morris who travelled to the International Symposium on Equine Reproduction and an update from our colleagues at the New Zealand Equine Health Association.

  • Summer 2024

    In this Bulletin, we recognise and farewell the incredible Dr Jane Axon, who passed in February 2024. Jane was regarded as one of the best veterinary neonatal experts in the world. We are incredibly lucky that as part of her legacy, she authored an NZERF booklet, “The Foal”, which contains a wealth of practical knowledge on foal health that has been incredibly useful to veterinarians and horse breeders. There are also several case study and research updates, travel reports from scholarship winners and a review of our newest booklet, a resource on Hoof Care and Management. We also welcome Nick Johnson as a new member to the NZERF board and get an update from our Chairman, Dr Tim Pearce.

  • Winter 2023

    In this Bulletin we start by celebrating our Chairman, Dr Tim Pearce who was awarded the NZEVA 2023 Dr Brian Gould Award for Outstanding Equine Veterinarian. We share a research update from Dr Babiche Heil on Aerobic uterine bacterial isolates from mares with post-partum metritis and their resistance to antimicrobials in New Zealand plus Dr Lee Morris outlines a simplified approach to frozen semen insemination in mares. Read the reports from the NZERF Vet-Farrier Scholarship winners, Dr Petra Hazlitt, Auckland Veterinary Centre, and Ryan Lim, Lim Farrier Services and Dr Katie Grant, South Wairarapa Veterinary Services. The NZEHA share an update on their recent activities plus the NZERF have a range of new video resources available and the new website goes live.

  • Summer 2023

    The summer 2023 bulletin covers several important topics. Acknowledgement of Sir Patrick Hogan's passing, honouring his contributions to the equine community. Research findings on the correlation between progesterone concentration and early pregnancy rate in Thoroughbred mares are highlighted. The bulletin also discusses injuries reported in racehorses on race day. A case study on a Clydesdale gelding with colic caused by a non-strangulating obstructive pedunculated lipoma is presented. The bulletin explores equine performance medicine and rehabilitation, showcasing advancements in optimizing horse performance. It announces the recipients of the 2023 NZERF Massey Veterinary Student Scholarship and the Vet-Farrier Scholarship, along with updates on the Valachi Downs Young Achiever Award recipient. The bulletin concludes with an update from the New Zealand Equine Health Association.

  • Winter 2022

    In this issue we recognize the outstanding contributions of Bruce Graham, representing the New Zealand Standardbred Breeders Association, and Noel Power, from the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association, who were presented with plaques for their invaluable services. Additionally, we dive into a detailed case report of a fetlock wound, review the latest reasons for and outcomes of raceday veterinary examinations, share scholarship details, and explore the activities of the New Zealand Equine Health Association, including the important topic of anthelmintic resistance.

  • Summer 2022

    This issue features farewell messages to two longstanding board members, Bruce Graham and Noel Power, in recognition of their contributions to the equine industry. Additionally, we cover case studies on septic arthritis, equine placentitis, and equine metabolic syndrome, as well as updates from the New Zealand Equine Health Association and the latest recipients of the Massey University Scholarship.