Research Grants

The Equine Research Foundation has funded a number of research projects over the years, aimed at improving the health and well-being of horses in New Zealand. Below are both current and past research projects that have been awarded grants by the Foundation.

Current Research Projects

Completed Research Projects

2014: Christopher Riley, Leah Toombs-Ruane, Sarah Rosanowski & Jackie Benschop "Antimicrobial Resistance in New Zealand’s horses: Are our drugs still working?"

2014: Christine Theoret "Viral factors as novel therapeutics for skin wounds in horses"

2014: Jasmine Tanner "Reproductive Efficiency in Standardbred Mares"

2013: Dr Anna Kendall "Evaluation of treatment practice for Strangles infection needed"

2012: Dr Ray Cursons, University of Waikato. "The epidemiology of Streptococcus equi in New Zealand in relation to vaccine efficiency"

2012: Dr Lee Morris, Equibreed, Cambridge. "A comparison of equine adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC), bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) and peripheral blood stem cells (pBSC) for the treatment of lameness conditions in horses"

2011: Dr Michelle Dicken, "Identifying equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) in New Zealand"

2010: Ms Nikita Stowers, Massey University. "Qualification of the prevalence of angular and fleural limb deformities in New Zealand thoroughbred and standardbred foals and identification of farm and mare level risk factors"

2010: Dr Naomi Cogger & Sarah Rosanowski "Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of control strategies for strangles in the New Zealand horse population."

2010: Dr Ray Cursons and Olivia Patty, University of Waikato. "The molecular identification and epidemiology of Streptococcus equi"

2009: Dr Margaret Evans, Christchurch Hospital. "Further investigations relating to retained placentae as observed in Standardbred mares following foaling at pasture"

2009: Dr Lee Morris, Cambridge. "Fertility of frozen epididymal stallion spermatozoa"

2009: Dr Christine Thomson and Louise Taylor, Massey University. "Does treatment with connexion-43 mimetic peptide accelerate wound healing by equine superficisal digital flexor tendon (SDFT) fibroblasts?"

2008: Dr Chris Rogers, Massey University. "Investigation of nutritional status of breeding farms associated with limb deformities in Standardbred foals"

2008: Dr Margaret Evans, Christchurch Hospital. "Analysis of wastage in the Standardbred industry from pregnancy confirmation to 5 years of age - a pilot study"

2007: Dr Simone Hoskin, Massey University. "Preference of grasses by horses"

2007: Dr Margaret Evans, Christchurch Hospital. "Analysis of data relating to foaling as observed in Standardbred mares at pasture"